Last week my husband, Joe, ran the Seattle 1/2 marathon. My two boys and I went down to the finish line to cheer for him. As we were down town among 30,000 of my closest friends, I kept thinking of Mormon and all of his chef captain's and all of their 10,000 that had fallen by the sword(Mormon 6). If I counted correctly, there were over two million people who had fallen. I was having a hard time comprehending five times as many people fighting and killing men, women, and children than the 30,000 at the marathon. I find myself thinking about what I have read and trying to connect it with what is going on in my life. This was one of the biggest connections I have had. Now I have a whole new attitude with the scripture that says "liken all scriptures unto yourselves".
Now, onto today's reading.
The first thing that stuck out for me was in chapter 9:19, the people were using animals to help themselves. I can hardly wait to get to heaven and find out what cureloms and comoms are.
The people of Ether are in the cycle. The people are righteous and the Lord blesses them. The people become rich and puffed up and forget the Lord their God. The Lord sends Prophets help them remember their God, but if they don't repent, the Lord humbles them by war, drought, or poisonous serpents.
In chapter 10 and 11 The kings are overthrown by their sons and the kings are put in prison. Prison is the wrong word, the scriptures use the word captivity. I never have understood how the king can beget son and daughter in captivity, but I guess it's not a prison like we know today, just being held away and not being able to lead the people. It's just as the prophets have told them, if they don't repent, the Lord will take His spirit away and wont bless them. No people can survive with out the Lord, so they will be utterly destroyed off the face of the earth.
Chapter 12 is all about Faith. I had some great seminary teachers growing up, they taught me about faith. I will always think of a row boat when I hear the word Faith. Faith is just one ore in the row boat. If you only have faith, but don't do anything with it, you are going to row in circles and get no where. Now, your other ore is work. If you have faith and works you will start to move forward and can accomplish anything. But, the trick is you need both at the same time or you will be rowing in circles.
I can see that the Lord will bless those who follow his commandments. I want to be on the Lords side and do all I can to return to His presences. I am greatful that Cortney started this journey for us to read the Book of Mormon in one month. I love the Book of Mormon. I know Jesus is our Savior. I know that we are lead by a true prophet today. I love my family. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.